
  1. Initialize the Deck:

    • Create an array to represent the deck of cards. The array should contain card objects, where each card object has a suit and a rank.
  2. Create a Function to Shuffle:

    • Write a function, let's call it shuffleDeck, which takes the deck array as a parameter.
  3. Iterate through the Deck:

    • Use a loop to iterate through each card in the deck.
  4. Generate Random Index:

    • Inside the loop, generate a random index between 0 and the length of the deck.
  5. Swap Cards:

    • Swap the current card with the card at the randomly generated index.
  6. Repeat Shuffling:

    • Repeat the shuffle process for a sufficient number of times to ensure a good mix. You can determine the number of iterations based on your preference or requirements.
  7. Return Shuffled Deck:

    • After shuffling, return the shuffled deck.


Code Examples

#1 Code Example- Shuffle Deck of Cards

Code - Javascript Programming

// program to shuffle the deck of cards

// declare card elements
const suits = ["Spades", "Diamonds", "Club", "Heart"];
const values = [

// empty array to contain cards
let deck = [];

// create a deck of cards
for (let i = 0; i  <  suits.length; i++) {
    for (let x = 0; x  <  values.length; x++) {
        let card = { Value: values[x], Suit: suits[i] };

// shuffle the cards
for (let i = deck.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
    let temp = deck[i];
    deck[i] = deck[j];
    deck[j] = temp;

console.log('The first five cards are:');

// display 5 results
for (let i = 0; i  <  5; i++) {
    console.log(`${deck[i].Value} of ${deck[i].Suit}`)
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The first five cards are:
4 of Club
5 of Diamonds
Jack of Diamonds
2 of Club
4 of Spades


JavaScript Programing Example to Shuffle Deck of Cards-DevsEnv

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