
In a Red-Black Tree, deletion is a complex operation that must maintain the properties of the tree while removing a specific node. Red-Black Trees are binary search trees with additional properties to ensure balance, and these properties must be preserved after the deletion operation.

Here is an overview of the steps involved in deleting a node from a Red-Black Tree:

  1. Search for the Node to Delete:

    • Perform a standard binary search to locate the node to be deleted.
  2. Perform Standard BST Delete:

    • If the node to be deleted has zero or one child, perform the standard binary search tree delete operation. If the node has two children, find its in-order successor (or predecessor), replace the node's value with the in-order successor (or predecessor), and then delete the in-order successor (or predecessor).
  3. Adjust Colors and Balance:

    • After the standard BST delete, the Red-Black Tree properties may be violated. To restore these properties, additional adjustments are required.
  4. Case 1: Double Black Propagation:

    • When a black node is deleted from the tree, it can result in a "double black" situation where the black height is violated. This situation is propagated up the tree until it is resolved.
  5. Cases 2-6: Restructuring and Recoloring:

    • Based on the properties of Red-Black Trees, there are several cases that need to be handled to maintain balance. These cases involve rotations and recoloring of nodes to ensure that the Red-Black properties are not violated.

    • Case 2: Sibling is red.

    • Case 3: Parent, sibling, and sibling's children are black.

    • Case 4: Sibling and sibling's children are black, but the parent is red.

    • Case 5: Sibling is black, and the closer nephew is red.

    • Case 6: Sibling is black, and the farther nephew is red.

  6. Update Root:

    • After all adjustments, make sure that the root of the tree is black.

These steps ensure that after the deletion, the Red-Black Tree properties are maintained. The double-black cases involve restructuring the tree through rotations and recoloring to restore balance.


Code Examples

#1 Deletion From a Red-Black Tree implement in Python

Code - Python Programming

class Node:
    def __init__(self, key, color='RED'):
        self.key = key
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.parent = None
        self.color = color

class RedBlackTree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.NIL = Node(None, color='BLACK')  # Sentinel node
        self.root = self.NIL

    def left_rotate(self, x):
        y = x.right
        x.right = y.left

        if y.left != self.NIL:
            y.left.parent = x

        y.parent = x.parent

        if x.parent is None:
            self.root = y
        elif x == x.parent.left:
            x.parent.left = y
            x.parent.right = y

        y.left = x
        x.parent = y

    def right_rotate(self, y):
        x = y.left
        y.left = x.right

        if x.right != self.NIL:
            x.right.parent = y

        x.parent = y.parent

        if y.parent is None:
            self.root = x
        elif y == y.parent.left:
            y.parent.left = x
            y.parent.right = x

        x.right = y
        y.parent = x

    def transplant(self, u, v):
        if u.parent is None:
            self.root = v
        elif u == u.parent.left:
            u.parent.left = v
            u.parent.right = v

        v.parent = u.parent

    def delete_node(self, key):
        z =, key)
        if z is None:
            print(f"Node with key {key} not found.")

        y = z
        y_original_color = y.color
        if z.left == self.NIL:
            x = z.right
            self.transplant(z, z.right)
        elif z.right == self.NIL:
            x = z.left
            self.transplant(z, z.left)
            y = self.minimum(z.right)
            y_original_color = y.color
            x = y.right
            if y.parent == z:
                x.parent = y
                self.transplant(y, y.right)
                y.right = z.right
                y.right.parent = y

            self.transplant(z, y)
            y.left = z.left
            y.left.parent = y
            y.color = z.color

        if y_original_color == 'BLACK':

    def delete_fixup(self, x):
        while x != self.root and x.color == 'BLACK':
            if x == x.parent.left:
                w = x.parent.right
                if w.color == 'RED':
                    w.color = 'BLACK'
                    x.parent.color = 'RED'
                    w = x.parent.right

                if w.left.color == 'BLACK' and w.right.color == 'BLACK':
                    w.color = 'RED'
                    x = x.parent
                    if w.right.color == 'BLACK':
                        w.left.color = 'BLACK'
                        w.color = 'RED'
                        w = x.parent.right

                    w.color = x.parent.color
                    x.parent.color = 'BLACK'
                    w.right.color = 'BLACK'
                    x = self.root
                w = x.parent.left
                if w.color == 'RED':
                    w.color = 'BLACK'
                    x.parent.color = 'RED'
                    w = x.parent.left

                if w.right.color == 'BLACK' and w.left.color == 'BLACK':
                    w.color = 'RED'
                    x = x.parent
                    if w.left.color == 'BLACK':
                        w.right.color = 'BLACK'
                        w.color = 'RED'
                        w = x.parent.left

                    w.color = x.parent.color
                    x.parent.color = 'BLACK'
                    w.left.color = 'BLACK'
                    x = self.root

        x.color = 'BLACK'

    def minimum(self, node):
        while node.left != self.NIL:
            node = node.left
        return node

    def search(self, node, key):
        if node is None or node.key == key:
            return node

        if key < node.key:
            return, key)
        return, key)

    def insert(self, key):
        new_node = Node(key)
        y = None
        x = self.root

        while x != self.NIL:
            y = x
            if new_node.key < x.key:
                x = x.left
                x = x.right

        new_node.parent = y
        if y is None:
            self.root = new_node
        elif new_node.key < y.key:
            y.left = new_node
            y.right = new_node

        if new_node.parent is None:
            new_node.color = 'BLACK'
        if new_node.parent.parent is None:


    def insert_fixup(self, node):
        while node.parent.color == 'RED':
            if node.parent == node.parent.parent.right:
                y = node.parent.parent.left
                if y.color == 'RED':
                    node.parent.color = 'BLACK'
                    y.color = 'BLACK'
                    node.parent.parent.color = 'RED'
                    node = node.parent.parent
                    if node == node.parent.left:
                        node = node.parent
                    node.parent.color = 'BLACK'
                    node.parent.parent.color = 'RED'
                y = node.parent.parent.right
                if y.color == 'RED':
                    node.parent.color = 'BLACK'
                    y.color = 'BLACK'
                    node.parent.parent.color = 'RED'
                    node = node.parent.parent
                    if node == node.parent.right:
                        node = node.parent
                    node.parent.color = 'BLACK'
                    node.parent.parent.color = 'RED'

            if node == self.root:

        self.root.color = 'BLACK'

    def inorder_traversal(self, node):
        if node != self.NIL:
            print(node.key, end=" ")

    def display(self):
        print("Inorder Traversal:")

# Example usage:
rb_tree = RedBlackTree()

keys = [3, 1, 5, 0, 2, 4, 6]
for key in keys:

print("Original Red-Black Tree:")

key_to_delete = 
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#2 Deletion From a Red-Black Tree implement in Java

Code - Java Programming

// Node class for Red-Black Tree
class Node {
    int data;
    Node parent;
    Node left;
    Node right;
    int color; // 0 for black, 1 for red

    public Node(int data) { = data;
        this.color = 1; // new nodes are always red

public class RedBlackTree {
    private Node root;
    private Node TNULL;

    // Preorder
    // In-order
    // Postorder

    // Other methods...

    // Search for a node with the given key
    private Node searchTree(int key) {
        return searchTreeRecursive(root, key);

    private Node searchTreeRecursive(Node node, int key) {
        if (node == TNULL || key == {
            return node;

        if (key  < {
            return searchTreeRecursive(node.left, key);

        return searchTreeRecursive(node.right, key);

    // Delete a node with the given key
    public void delete(int key) {

    // Helper method for deleting a node
    private void deleteNode(Node node) {
        Node y = node;
        Node x;
        int yOriginalColor = y.color;

        if (node.left == TNULL) {
            x = node.right;
            transplant(node, node.right);
        } else if (node.right == TNULL) {
            x = node.left;
            transplant(node, node.left);
        } else {
            y = minimum(node.right);
            yOriginalColor = y.color;
            x = y.right;

            if (y.parent == node) {
                x.parent = y;
            } else {
                transplant(y, y.right);
                y.right = node.right;
                y.right.parent = y;

            transplant(node, y);
            y.left = node.left;
            y.left.parent = y;
            y.color = node.color;

        if (yOriginalColor == 0) {

    // Helper method for fixing the tree after deletion
    private void deleteFixup(Node x) {
        while (x != root && x.color == 0) {
            if (x == x.parent.left) {
                Node w = x.parent.right;
                if (w.color == 1) {
                    w.color = 0;
                    x.parent.color = 1;
                    w = x.parent.right;

                if (w.left.color == 0 && w.right.color == 0) {
                    w.color = 1;
                    x = x.parent;
                } else {
                    if (w.right.color == 0) {
                        w.left.color = 0;
                        w.color = 1;
                        w = x.parent.right;

                    w.color = x.parent.color;
                    x.parent.color = 0;
                    w.right.color = 0;
                    x = root;
            } else {
                Node w = x.parent.left;
                if (w.color == 1) {
                    w.color = 0;
                    x.parent.color = 1;
                    w = x.parent.left;

                if (w.right.color == 0 && w.right.color == 0) {
                    w.color = 1;
                    x = x.parent;
                } else {
                    if (w.left.color == 0) {
                        w.right.color = 0;
                        w.color = 1;
                        w = x.parent.left;

                    w.color = x.parent.color;
                    x.parent.color = 0;
                    w.left.color = 0;
                    x = root;

        x.color = 0;

    // Helper method to transplant a subtree
    private void transplant(Node u, Node v) {
        if (u.parent == null) {
            root = v;
        } else if (u == u.parent.left) {
            u.parent.left = v;
        } else {
            u.parent.right = v;

        v.parent = u.parent;

    // Helper method to perform a left rotation
    private void leftRotate(Node x) {
        Node y = x.right;
        x.right = y.left;

        if (y.left != TNULL) {
            y.left.parent = x;

        y.parent = x.parent;

        if (x.parent == null) {
            root = y;
        } else if (x == x.parent.left) {
            x.parent.left = y;
        } else {
            x.parent.right = y;

        y.left = x;
        x.parent = y;

    // Helper method to perform a right rotation
    private void rightRotate(Node x) {
        Node y = x.left;
        x.left = y.right;

        if (y.right != TNULL) {
            y.right.parent = x;

        y.parent = x.parent;

        if (x.parent == null) {
            root = y;
        } else if (x == x.parent.right) {
            x.parent.right = y;
        } else {
            x.parent.left = y;

        y.right = x;
        x.parent = y;

    // Helper method to find the minimum value node in a subtree
    private Node minimum(Node node) {
        while (node.left != TNULL) {
            node = node.left;
        return node;
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#3 Deletion From a Red-Black Tree implement in C

Code - C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Node structure for the Red-Black Tree
typedef struct Node {
    int data;
    char color; // 'R' for red, 'B' for black
    struct Node* parent;
    struct Node* left;
    struct Node* right;
} Node;

// Helper function to create a new node
Node* createNode(int data) {
    Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
    newNode->data = data;
    newNode->color = 'R'; // New nodes are always red
    newNode->parent = NULL;
    newNode->left = NULL;
    newNode->right = NULL;
    return newNode;

// Helper function to perform left rotation
void leftRotate(Node** root, Node* x) {
    Node* y = x->right;
    x->right = y->left;

    if (y->left != NULL)
        y->left->parent = x;

    y->parent = x->parent;

    if (x->parent == NULL)
        *root = y;
    else if (x == x->parent->left)
        x->parent->left = y;
        x->parent->right = y;

    y->left = x;
    x->parent = y;

// Helper function to perform right rotation
void rightRotate(Node** root, Node* y) {
    Node* x = y->left;
    y->left = x->right;

    if (x->right != NULL)
        x->right->parent = y;

    x->parent = y->parent;

    if (y->parent == NULL)
        *root = x;
    else if (y == y->parent->left)
        y->parent->left = x;
        y->parent->right = x;

    x->right = y;
    y->parent = x;

// Helper function to fix the tree after deletion
void deleteFixup(Node** root, Node* x) {
    while (x != *root && (x == NULL || x->color == 'B')) {
        if (x == x->parent->left) {
            Node* w = x->parent->right;
            if (w->color == 'R') {
                w->color = 'B';
                x->parent->color = 'R';
                leftRotate(root, x->parent);
                w = x->parent->right;
            if ((w->left == NULL || w->left->color == 'B') &&
                (w->right == NULL || w->right->color == 'B')) {
                w->color = 'R';
                x = x->parent;
            } else {
                if (w->right == NULL || w->right->color == 'B') {
                    if (w->left != NULL)
                        w->left->color = 'B';
                    w->color = 'R';
                    rightRotate(root, w);
                    w = x->parent->right;
                w->color = x->parent->color;
                x->parent->color = 'B';
                if (w->right != NULL)
                    w->right->color = 'B';
                leftRotate(root, x->parent);
                x = *root; // Exit the loop
        } else {
            Node* w = x->parent->left;
            if (w->color == 'R') {
                w->color = 'B';
                x->parent->color = 'R';
                rightRotate(root, x->parent);
                w = x->parent->left;
            if ((w->right == NULL || w->right->color == 'B') &&
                (w->left == NULL || w->left->color == 'B')) {
                w->color = 'R';
                x = x->parent;
            } else {
                if (w->left == NULL || w->left->color == 'B') {
                    if (w->right != NULL)
                        w->right->color = 'B';
                    w->color = 'R';
                    leftRotate(root, w);
                    w = x->parent->left;
                w->color = x->parent->color;
                x->parent->color = 'B';
                if (w->left != NULL)
                    w->left->color = 'B';
                rightRotate(root, x->parent);
                x = *root; // Exit the loop
    if (x != NULL)
        x->color = 'B';

// Helper function to find the minimum value node in a tree
Node* findMin(Node* root) {
    while (root != NULL && root->left != NULL)
        root = root->left;
    return root;

// Helper function to replace a node with another node
void transplant(Node** root, Node* u, Node* v) {
    if (u->parent == NULL)
        *root = v;
    else if (u == u->parent->left)
        u->parent->left = v;
        u->parent->right = v;
    if (v != NULL)
        v->parent = u->parent;

// Helper function to delete a node from the tree
void deleteNode(Node** root, int key) {
    Node* z = *root;
    while (z != NULL) {
        if (key == z->data)
        if (key  <  z->data)
            z = z->left;
            z = z->right;
    if (z == NULL)
        return; // Node with key not found

    Node* y = z;
    char yOriginalColor = y->color;
    Node* x;

    if (z->left == NULL) {
        x = z->right;
        transplant(root, z, z->right);
    } else if (z->right == NULL) {
        x = z->left;
        transplant(root, z, z->left);
    } else {
        y = findMin(z->right);
        yOriginalColor = y->color;
        x = y->right;
        if (y->parent == z)
            x->parent = y;
        else {
            transplant(root, y, y->right);
            y->right = z->right;
            y->right->parent = y;
        transplant(root, z, y);
        y->left = z->left;
        y->left->parent = y;
        y->color = z->color;


    if (yOriginalColor == 'B')
        deleteFixup(root, x);

// Function to print the tree (in-order traversal)
void printTree(Node* root) {
    if (root != NULL) {
        printf("(%d, %c) ", root->data, root->color);
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#4 Deletion From a Red-Black Tree implement in C++

Code - C++ Programming

#include <iostream>

enum Color { RED, BLACK };

struct Node {
    int data;
    Color color;
    Node* parent;
    Node* left;
    Node* right;

    // Constructor
    Node(int val) : data(val), color(RED), parent(nullptr), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}

class RedBlackTree {
    Node* root;

    // Other private helper methods

    // Constructor
    RedBlackTree() : root(nullptr) {}

    // Other public methods

    // Delete a node with a given value
    void deleteNode(int key);

    // Private helper methods for deletion
    void deleteNodeHelper(Node* node, int key);
    void fixDoubleBlack(Node* node);
    Node* findMin(Node* node);
    Node* findMax(Node* node);
    void deleteNodeCases(Node* node);
    void rotateLeft(Node* node);
    void rotateRight(Node* node);

void RedBlackTree::deleteNode(int key) {
    if (root == nullptr) {
        std::cout << "Tree is empty!" << std::endl;

    deleteNodeHelper(root, key);

void RedBlackTree::deleteNodeHelper(Node* node, int key) {
    // Search for the node to delete
    // Implement your search logic here

    // Delete the node (if found)
    // Implement your deletion logic here

    // Fix the double-black violation

void RedBlackTree::fixDoubleBlack(Node* node) {
    // Implement your fixDoubleBlack logic here

Node* RedBlackTree::findMin(Node* node) {
    // Implement your findMin logic here
    return nullptr;

Node* RedBlackTree::findMax(Node* node) {
    // Implement your findMax logic here
    return nullptr;

void RedBlackTree::deleteNodeCases(Node* node) {
    // Implement your deleteNodeCases logic here

void RedBlackTree::rotateLeft(Node* node) {
    // Implement your rotateLeft logic here

void RedBlackTree::rotateRight(Node* node) {
    // Implement your rotateRight logic here
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