1. Declare two string variables, str1 and str2.
2. Input the first string (str1).
3. Input the second string (str2).
4. Concatenate str1 and str2, storing the result in a new string variable (result).
5. Display the concatenated string (result).
6. End.
Code Examples
#1 Code Example- Concatenate String Objects
Code -
C++ Programming
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string s1, s2, result;
cout << "Enter string s1: ";
getline (cin, s1);
cout << "Enter string s2: ";
getline (cin, s2);
result = s1 + s2;
cout << "Resultant String = "<< result;
return 0;
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Enter string s1: C++ Programming
Enter string s2: is awesome.
Resultant String = C++ Programming is awesome.
Enter string s2: is awesome.
Resultant String = C++ Programming is awesome.
#2 Code Example- Concatenate C-style Strings
Code -
C++ Programming
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main()
char s1[50], s2[50];
cout << "Enter string s1: ";
cin.getline(s1, 50);
cout << "Enter string s2: ";
cin.getline(s2, 50);
strcat(s1, s2);
cout << "s1 = " << s1 << endl;
cout << "s2 = " << s2;
return 0;
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Enter string s1: I love
Enter string s2: C++ programming
s1 = I love C++ programming
s2 = C++ programming
Enter string s2: C++ programming
s1 = I love C++ programming
s2 = C++ programming
C++ Programing Example to Concatenate Two Strings-DevsEnv