Binary to Octal Conversion Algorithm:
- Accept a binary number as input.
- Validate the input to ensure it contains only 0s and 1s.
- Group the binary digits into sets of three starting from the rightmost side.
- If the leftmost group has fewer than three digits, pad it with leading zeros.
- Convert each group of three binary digits to its decimal equivalent.
- Map the decimal values to their corresponding octal digits (0-7).
- Concatenate the octal digits to get the final octal representation.
Octal to Binary Conversion Algorithm:
- Accept an octal number as input.
- Validate the input to ensure it contains only digits 0-7.
- Convert each octal digit to its binary equivalent (3 binary digits for each octal digit).
- Concatenate the binary equivalents to get the final binary representation.
Code Examples
#1 Code Example- Program to Convert Binary to Octal
Code -
Java Programming
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
long binary = 101001;
int octal = convertBinarytoOctal(binary);
System.out.println(binary + " in binary = " + octal + " in octal");
public static int convertBinarytoOctal(long binaryNumber) {
int octalNumber = 0, decimalNumber = 0, i = 0;
while (binaryNumber != 0) {
decimalNumber += (binaryNumber % 10) * Math.pow(2, i);
binaryNumber /= 10;
i = 1;
while (decimalNumber != 0) {
octalNumber += (decimalNumber % 8) * i;
decimalNumber /= 8;
i *= 10;
return octalNumber;
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101001 in binary = 51 in octal
#2 Code Example- Program to Convert Octal to Binary
Code -
Java Programming
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int octal = 67;
long binary = convertOctalToBinary(octal);
System.out.println(octal + " in octal = " + binary + " in binary");
public static long convertOctalToBinary(int octalNumber) {
int decimalNumber = 0, i = 0;
long binaryNumber = 0;
while (octalNumber != 0) {
decimalNumber += (octalNumber % 10) * Math.pow(8, i);
octalNumber /= 10;
i = 1;
while (decimalNumber != 0) {
binaryNumber += (decimalNumber % 2) * i;
decimalNumber /= 2;
i *= 10;
return binaryNumber;
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67 in octal = 110111 in binary
Java Programing Example to Convert Binary Number to Octal and vice-versa-DevsEnv