How to make Text to Speech in Javascript using Simple 3 Lines of Code
Categories - JavaScript Tags - JavaScript   Maniruzzaman Akash   3 years ago   4387   2 minutes   28

How to make Text to Speech in Javascript using Simple 3 Lines of Code

Today, we'll show you how to make a simple text to speech in Javascript in just 3 lines of code.

It's very simple in javascript to gain that.


Let's start:

function textToSpeach(message) {
    const speach = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(message);
    [speach.voice] = speechSynthesis.getVoices();

textToSpeach('Hi, Welcome to Javascript Text to Speech. It is really awesome.');


For testing, just paste the code inside the browser console and you'll able to listen the text.


Bonus: an ES6 implementation

const textToSpeach = (message) => {
    const speach = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(message);
    [speach.voice] = speechSynthesis.getVoices();

textToSpeach('Hi, Welcome to Javascript Text to Speech. It is really awesome.');


Basic Web API - The SpeechSynthesisUtterance of the Web Speech API contains a speech request.

It contains the content the speech service should read and information about how to read it (e.g. language, rate, pitch and volume.)


Line by Line Code Demonstration:

In first line -  

const speach = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(message);

We made an instantiation of SpeechSynthesisUtterance class of a text message as default argument.


In second line - 

[speach.voice] = speechSynthesis.getVoices();

We add voice to the speech object by getting the voices. 


In third line -


We just voice out that with the speak function. 


All Properties of SpeechSynthesisUtterance:

Gets and sets the language of the utterance.

Gets and sets the pitch at which the utterance will be spoken at.

Gets and sets the speed at which the utterance will be spoken at.

Gets and sets the text that will be synthesised when the utterance is spoken.

Gets and sets the voice that will be used to speak the utterance.

Gets and sets the volume that the utterance will be spoken at.


So, an alternative approach to convert text to speech would be with all parameter set -

const message = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
message.text = "Hi, I'm Javascript";
message.volume = 1; // Volume range = 0 - 1
message.rate = 1.2; // Speed of the text read , default 1
message.lang = 'en-US'; // Language, default 'en-US'


Text to Speech JavaScript Web API:


Web API of SpeechSynthesisUtterance:


So, we're pretty much clear how to text to speech in javascript and with modifications of all custom stuffs. Let's implement this text to speech in your application right now.

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