Laravel Membership Management Full Project Demo with Source Codes
Categories - Laravel PHP Framework Tags - React Js PHP Laravel   Maniruzzaman Akash   3 years ago   12096   4 minutes   29

Laravel Membership Management Full Project Demo with Source Codes

Welcome to Laravel Membership Management Project Demo Project Example with source code. Please follow the links to download source codes and all.

Day 1

Discussion -  Welcome to Laravel Membership Management Project Bangla Video Tutorial Day 1 - Laravel Installation & Setup & Basic File Structure 1) Laravel Basic Project Installation. Laravel Version - 8.8.0 2) Basic File Structure 3) Route & Controller & View Download Composer -

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Day 2

Workshop Day #2: Routing & MVC Pattern of Laravel - Deep Inside Model, View, Controller of Laravel Learnings: ** Routing More Details, Single Routing, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE ** Controller Data Managing - 1) Single Data 2) Object Data 3) Array Data ** View Data From Controller to View 1) Single Data 2) Object Data 3) Array Data a) @forEach() ** Helper Links :

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Day 3

Discussion -  

Welcome to Laravel Membership Management Bangla Video Tutorial Day 3. This is an advance Laravel Series with a complete project from basic to advance. Learnings In this tutorial: Database Setup in Laravel What is migration in Laravel Migration File Structure Create Migration in Laravel Model in Laravel Create Model in Laravel Create Model with Migration in Laravel Dynamic Data Fetch Using Model Data Fetch using DB query table - Just Basic Data Fetch using Eloquent Query - Just Basic Controller to View Data List Display Controller to View Data Form Submission Helper Links :

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Day 4

Discussion -  

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Day 5

Discussion -  

  • Laravel Template Mastering
  • Bootstrap Nav

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Day 6

Discussion -  

  • Laravel Admin Template Install
  • Laravel Admin Template Mastering
  • Admin Panel Section, Incldue, yield syntax

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Day 7

Discussion - 

Today, we'll learn about eloquent relationship of laravel with 1 hour. We'll get practical coding example with the following relationships - 1) One to One 2) One to Many 3) Many to Many relationship in Eloquent Query Builder.

What Part we've completed in this section -

Basic Post Model Post List Generate Post Category Model Relationship with Post Category Model Basic Post Comment Model & Migration Relationship with Post, Comment Model Relationship with Post Tag Model

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Day 8

Discussion - 

  1. Discussion about Project Structure
  2. Design Database Schema Diagram
  3. Create Basic Models and Migration
  4. Install Laravel Permission Package and Migration

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Day 9

Discussion - 

  1. Sidebar Menu Linking Dynamically
  2. User List Page design with Datatable
  3. User List
  4. Relationship in User List

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Day 10

Discussion -

  1. User Create Form Design
  2. User Create and Store to Database
  3. Input Field Validation

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Day 11

Discussion -

  1. Image/File Upload
  2. Laravel Input Image Validation
  3. Store in Database
  4. Dynamic Upload Helper

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Day 12

Discussion -

  1. User Update
  2. User Delete
  3. Flash Message With Toast Notification

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Day 13

Discussion -

  1. Authentication in Laravel 8.x
  2. Default User Authentication System Laravel 8
  3. Customizing User Authentication in Laravel 8

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Day 14

Discussion -

  1. Permission Management & Route Protection
  2. Secured Route Protection From Unauthorized Users
  3. Permission Management using Spatie Permission
  4. Assign Permission Programmatically Access different pages based on permission

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Day 15

Discussion -

  1. Manage All Seeders
  2. Role & Permission Seeder
  3. Member Seeder
  4. User Seeder

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