Windows Every scripting by command terminal you need to know

Windows Every scripting by command terminal you need to know

First go to command prompt on windows using cmd.

How to see the every command list in windows - windows command:


How to see the current directory in windows - windows command:


How to display the directory list in that folder in windows - windows command:


How to create a directory in windows - windows command:

mkdir dir_name

How to remove a directory in windows - windows command:

rmdir dir_name

How to create an empty any types file in windows - windows command:

type NUL > test.txt
type NUL > another.c

How to rename a file to new in windows - windows command:

rename test.txt demo.txt

Clear the windows screen - windows command:


Rename multiple files in windows - windows command:

rename *.rtf *.txt

Tags: Windows Every scripting by command terminal you need to know, Windows Every scripting by command terminal you need to know, windows cmd, cmd terminal, windows code, windows operating system

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