1. Initialize an empty list armstrong_numbers.
2. For each number in the range from 100 to 999 (inclusive):
a. Convert the number to a string to find the number of digits.
b. Calculate the sum of the cube of each digit.
c. Check if the calculated sum is equal to the original number.
d. If the sum is equal, add the number to the armstrong_numbers list.
3. Print or return the armstrong_numbers list.
Code Examples
#1 Example- Python Program to Check Armstrong Number Using While Loop
Code -
Python Programming
number = 153
temp = number
add_sum = 0
while temp != 0:
k = temp % 10
add_sum += k*k*k
temp = temp//10
if add_sum == number:
print('Given number is a three-digit Armstrong Number')
print('Given number is not an Armstrong Number')
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#2 Example- Python Program to Find an n-digit Armstrong Number by Using While Loop
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Python Programming
number = 1634
digits = len(str(number))
temp = number
add_sum = 0
while temp != 0:
# get the last digit in the number
k = temp % 10
# find k^digits
add_sum += k**digits
# floor division
# which update number with second last digit as last digit
temp = temp//10
if add_sum == number:
print('Given number is an Armstrong Number')
print('Given number is not a Armstrong Number')
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#3 Example- Python Program to Find an n-digit Armstrong Number by Using Using Functions
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Python Programming
def count_digits(n):
i = 0
while n > 0:
n //= 10
i += 1
return i
def sum(n):
i = count_digits(n)
s = 0
while n > 0:
digit = n%10
n //= 10
s += pow(digit,i)
return s
num = 1634
# calling the sum function
s = sum(num)
# check armstrong number or not
if s == num:
print('Given number is an Armstrong Number')
print('Given number is not an Armstrong Number')
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#4 Example- Python Program to Find an n-digit Armstrong Number by Using Recursion
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Python Programming
def check_armstrong(num,n1,sum,temp):
if temp==0:
if sum==num:
return True
return False
digit = temp % 10
sum = sum + digit**n1
temp = temp//10
return check_armstrong(num, n1, sum, temp)
num = 1634
sum = 0
n1 = len(str(num))
temp = num
res = check_armstrong(num,n1,sum,temp)
if res:
print("Given number is an Armstrong Number")
print("Given number is not an Armstrong Number")
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