- Take a decimal number as input.
- Conversion to Binary: Initialize an empty string to store the binary representation.
- Use a loop to repeatedly divide the decimal number by 2.
- Append the remainder to the binary string.
- Update the decimal number to the quotient.
- Repeat until the decimal number becomes 0.
- Reverse the binary string to get the final binary representation.
Conversion to Octal:
- Initialize an empty string to store the octal representation.
- Use a loop to repeatedly divide the decimal number by 8.
- Append the remainder to the octal string.
- Update the decimal number to the quotient.
- Repeat until the decimal number becomes 0.
- Reverse the octal string to get the final octal representation.
Conversion to Hexadecimal:
- Initialize an empty string to store the hexadecimal representation.
- Use a loop to repeatedly divide the decimal number by 16.
- Convert the remainder to its hexadecimal equivalent (0-9, A-F).
- Append the hexadecimal digit to the string.
- Update the decimal number to the quotient.
- Repeat until the decimal number becomes 0.
- Reverse the hexadecimal string to get the final hexadecimal representation.
- Display the binary, octal, and hexadecimal representations.
Code Examples
#1 Example- Decimal to Binary -Using Recursion
Code -
Python Programming
def DecimalToBinary(number):
if num >= 1:
DecimalToBinary(number // 2)
print(number % 2, end = '')
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
# decimal value
decimal_val = 17
# Calling function
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#2 Example- Decimal to Binary-Using In-Built Function
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Python Programming
def decimalToBinary(num):
return bin(num).replace("0b", "")
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
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#3 Example- Decimal to Binary-Without Built-in function
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Python Programming
def decimalToBinary(num):
return "{0:b}".format(int(num))
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
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#4 Example- Decimal to Octal
Code -
Python Programming
def decToOctal(num):
# array to store
# octal number
octalNumber = [0] * 100
# counter for octal
# number array
i = 0
while (num!= 0):
# storing remainder
# in octal array
octalNumber[i] = num % 8
num = int(num / 8)
i += 1
# printing octal number
# array in reverse order
for k in range(i - 1, -1, -1):
print(octalNumber[k], end="")
# Driver Code
num = 33
# Function Call
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#5 Example- Decimal to Hexadecimal
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Python Programming
def decToHexa(num):
# char array to store
# hexadecimal number
hexaDeciNumber = ['0'] * 100
# counter for hexadecimal
# number array
I = 0
while(num!= 0):
# temporary variable
# to store remainder
temp = 0
# storing remainder
# in temp variable.
temp = num % 16
# check if temp < 10
if(temp < 10):
hexaDeciNumber[i] = chr(temp + 48)
i = i + 1
hexaDeciNumber[i] = chr(temp + 55)
i = i + 1
num = int(num / 16>
# printing hexadecimal number
# array in reverse order
j = i - 1
while(j >= 0):
print((hexaDeciNumber[j]), end="")
j = j - 1
# Driver Code
num = 2545
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#6 We can convert from octal to decimal by following these steps:
Code -
Python Programming
def octalToDecimal(num):
number = n
dec_value = 0
# Initializing base value
# to 1, i.e 8^0
base = 1
temp = number
while (temp):
# Extracting last digit
last_digit = temp % 10
temp = int(temp / 10)
# Multiplying last digit
# with appropriate base
# value and adding it
# to dec_value
dec_value += last_digit * base
base = base * 8
return dec_value
# Driver Code
number = 67
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Python Programing Example to Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal-DevsEnv