1. Start
2. Read the input number (num)
3. Initialize a variable to store the reversed number (reverse_num) to 0
4. While num is not equal to 0:
a. Extract the last digit of num using num % 10 and store it in a variable (digit)
b. Multiply reverse_num by 10
c. Add digit to reverse_num
d. Update num by removing the last digit using num // 10
5. Display the reversed number (reverse_num)
6. End
Code Examples
#1 Code Example- Python program Reverse a Number using a while loop
Code -
Python Programming
num = 1234
reversed_num = 0
while num != 0:
digit = num % 10
reversed_num = reversed_num * 10 + digit
num //= 10
print("Reversed Number: " + str(reversed_num))
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#2 Code Example - Pythom Program Using String slicing
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Python Programming
num = 123456
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Python Programing Example to Reverse a Number-DevsEnv