1. Start
2. Prompt the user to enter a character and store it in a variable, let's call it 'ch'.
3. Use the ord() function to convert the character 'ch' to its ASCII value.
- ASCII_value = ord(ch)
4. Display the ASCII value.
- Print("The ASCII value of", ch, "is", ASCII_value)
5. End
Code Examples
#1 Code Example- Finding the ASCII value of a character
Code -
Python Programming
# Get the character from the user
char = input("Enter a single character: ")
# Check if the user entered a single character
if len(char) == 1:
ascii_value = ord(char)
print(f"The ASCII value of the character '{char}' is: {ascii_value}")
print("Please enter a single character.")
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The ASCII value of the character 'A' is: 65
Python Programing Example to Find ASCII Value of Character-DevsEnv