Introduction - Laravel Advance Topics Learning
Categories - Laravel PHP Framework Tags - PHP Laravel   Maniruzzaman Akash   3 years ago   3349   2 minutes   31

Introduction - Laravel Advance Topics Learning

Hello everyone.

This is an advance series of Laravel. We've added following parts of Laravel's most advance topics here - 


Laravel Seeder in Depth

  1. Basic Migrations - Post, Category
  2. Basic Seeder - User seeder built in
  3. Custom Seeder - Post Seeder, Category Seeder
  4. Seeder with Faker Data
  5. Seeder with custom data


Laravel Observer

  1. Create Observer in Laravel
  2. Make Log Project By Creating Observer


Laravel Passport Authentication

  1. Setup Laravel Passport
  2. Generate Token
  3. Use token in Real project
  4. Login Example of Laravel Passport


AJAX Implementation

  1. Connect Database through ajax
  2. Make GET and POST request by ajax


Laravel Frontend Scaffolding - Sanctum

  1. Setup Laravel Jetstream
  2. Custom Frontend Scaffolding


Laravel Modular Development

  1. Fresh Module System for Big Project
  2. Custom Module All Code and infrastructure


Laravel Excel / PDF Management

  1. Basic Import
  2. Basic Export
  3. Customized Export
  4. PDF Export


Laravel Swagger for API Documentation

  1. Setup L5-Swagger
  2. Implement all GET, POST, PUT, DELETE API in swagger
  3. Implement Auth Token


Laravel Broadcast

  1. Broadcast Event
  2. Implement Broadcast on frontend


Laravel Caching

  1. Database Caching
  2. Redis Cache Implementation


Laravel Queues

  1. Create Queues in Laravel
  2. Redis Cache Implementation


Laravel Payment With Cashier

  1. Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway
  2. Demo Sales and Manage payment methods


Laravel Socialite

  1. Configuring Social authentication
  2. Facebook Social Login
  3. Google Social Login


Unit Testing

  1. Configuring Unit testing in Laravel
  2. Implement testing for projects in Laravel



  1. Multi-Language Setup in Laravel
  2. Database Level Translation


Facade, Service Container

  1. What is Facade in Laravel
  2. What is Service Container in Laravel
  3. Real-life Use of Laravel Facade and Service container


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