: problem Link :
While Alice was drinking sugarcane juice, she started wondering about the following facts:
- The juicer sells each glass of sugarcane juice for coins.
- He spends of his total income on buying sugarcane.
- He spends of his total income on buying salt and mint leaves.
- He spends of his total income on shop rent.
Alice wonders, what is the juicer's profit (in coins) when he sells glasses of sugarcane juice?
Input Format
- The first line of input will contain an integer — the number of test cases. The description of test cases follows.
- The first and only line of each test case contains an integer , as described in the problem statement.
Output Format
For each test case, output on a new line the juicer's profit when he sells glasses of juice.
Sample 1:
4 2 4 5 10
30 60 75 150
Test case : The total income is coins. The juicer spends coins on sugarcane, coins on salt and mint leaves and coins on rent. Thus, the profit is coins.
Test case : The total income is coins. The juicer spends coins on sugarcane, coins on salt and mint leaves and coins on rent. Thus, the profit is coins.
Test case : The total income is coins. The juicer spends coins on sugarcane, coins on salt and mint leaves and coins on rent. Thus, the profit is coins.
Test case : The total income is coins. The juicer spends coins on sugarcane, coins on salt and mint leaves and coins on rent. Thus, the profit is coins.
Code Examples
CodeChef solution SUGERCANE Sugarcane Juice Business CodeChef solution in C,C++