Problem link-
MATCHING - Fast Maximum Matching
FJ has N (1 ≤ N ≤ 50,000) cows and M (1 ≤ M ≤ 50,000) bulls. Given a list of P (1 ≤ P ≤ 150,000) potential matches between a cow and a bull, compute the greatest number of pairs that can be matched. Of course, a cow can be matched to at most one bull, and vice versa.
The first line contains three integers, N, M, and P. Each of the next P lines contains two integers A (1 ≤ A ≤ N) and B (1 ≤ B ≤ M), denoting that cow A can be matched with bull B.
Print a single integer that is the maximum number of pairs that can be obtained.
Input: 5 4 6 5 2 1 2 4 3 3 1 2 2 4 4 Output: 3
Code Examples
#1 Code Example with C++ Programming
Code -
C++ Programming
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
#define MOD 1000000007LL
#define EPS 1e-9
#define io ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(NULL);
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define NIL 0
#define INF 1 << 28
template <typename T> T gcd(T a, T b){return (b==0)?a:gcd(b,a%b);}
template <typename T> T lcm(T a, T b){return a*(b/gcd(a,b));}
template <typename T> T mod_exp(T b, T p, T m){T x = 1;while(p){if(p&1)x=(x*b)%m;b=(b*b)%m;p=p>>1;}return x;}
template <typename T> T invFermat(T a, T p){return mod_exp(a, p-2, p);}
template <typename T> T exp(T b, T p){T x = 1;while(p){if(p&1)x=(x*b);b=(b*b);p=p>>1;}return x;}
const int MAXN = 1e5+5;
vector<int> adj[MAXN];
int n, m, match[MAXN], dist[MAXN];
bool bfs(){ // returns true if there is an augmenting path
queue<int> q;
for(int i = 1;i <= n; i++){
if(match[i] == NIL){
dist[i] = 0;
dist[i] = INF;
dist[NIL] = INF;
int u = q.front();
if(u != NIL){
for(auto v : adj[u]){
if(dist[match[v]] == INF){
dist[match[v]] = dist[u] + 1;
return (dist[NIL] != INF);
// returns true if there is an augmenting path beginning with free vertex u
bool dfs(int u){
if(u != NIL){
for(auto v : adj[u]){
if(dist[match[v]] == dist[u] + 1){
match[v] = u;
match[u] = v;
return true;
// if there is no augmenting path beginning with u.
dist[u] = INF;
return false;
return true;
int hopcroft_karp(){
int matching = 0;
// match is assumed to be NIL for all vertices
for(int i = 1;i <= n; i++)
if(match[i] == NIL && dfs(i))
return matching;
int main(){
int p;
cin >> n >> m >> p;
for(int i = 1;i <= p; i++){
int a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
b += n;
cout << hopcroft_karp() << endl;
return 0;
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5 2
1 2
4 3
3 1
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4 4
SPOJ Solution-Fast Maximum Matching-Solution in C, C++, Java, Python