
Hacker rank Problem Link -

Problem Details:


Today, we're discussing data types. Check out the attached tutorial for more details.


Variables named , and  are declared for you in the editor below. You must use the  operator to perform the following sequence of operations:

  1. Convert  to an integer (Number type), then sum it with  and print the result on a new line using console.log.
  2. Convert  to a floating-point number (Number type), then sum it with  and print the result on a new line using console.log.
  3. Print the concatenation of  and  on a new line using console.log. Note that  must be printed first.

Input Format

Data Type Parameter Description
string   The string representation of an integer you must sum with .
string   The string representation of a floating-point number you must sum with .
string   A string of one or more space-separated words you must append to .

Output Format

Print the following three lines of output:

  1. On the first line, print the sum of  and the integer representation of .
  2. On the second line, print the sum of  and the floating-point representation of .
  3. On the third line, print  concatenated with . You must print  before .

Sample Input 0

is the best place to learn and practice coding!

Sample Output 0

HackerRank is the best place to learn and practice coding!

Explanation 0

When we sum the integers  and , we get the integer .
When we sum the floating-point numbers  and , we get . When we concatenate HackerRank with is the best place to learn and practice coding!, we get HackerRank is the best place to learn and practice coding!.

You will not pass this challenge if you attempt to assign the Sample Case values to your variables instead of following the instructions above.



Code Examples

#1 Code Example with Javascript Programming

Code - Javascript Programming

*   The variables 'firstInteger', 'firstDecimal', and 'firstString' are declared for you -- do not modify them.
*   Print three lines:
*   1. The sum of 'firstInteger' and the Number representation of 'secondInteger'.
*   2. The sum of 'firstDecimal' and the Number representation of 'secondDecimal'.
*   3. The concatenation of 'firstString' and 'secondString' ('firstString' must be first).
*	Parameter(s):
*   secondInteger - The string representation of an integer.
*   secondDecimal - The string representation of a floating-point number.
*   secondString - A string consisting of one or more space-separated words.
function performOperation(secondInteger, secondDecimal, secondString) {
    // Declare a variable named 'firstInteger' and initialize with integer value 4.
    const firstInteger = 4;
    // Declare a variable named 'firstDecimal' and initialize with floating-point value 4.0.
    const firstDecimal = 4.0;
    // Declare a variable named 'firstString' and initialize with the string "HackerRank".
    const firstString = 'HackerRank ';
    // Write code that uses console.log to print the sum of the 'firstInteger' and 'secondInteger' (converted to a Number        type) on a new line.
    const sumofInteger = firstInteger + parseInt(secondInteger);
    console.log(firstInteger + parseInt(secondInteger));
    // Write code that uses console.log to print the sum of 'firstDecimal' and 'secondDecimal' (converted to a Number            type) on a new line.
    const sumofDecimal = firstDecimal + parseFloat(secondDecimal);
    // Write code that uses console.log to print the concatenation of 'firstString' and 'secondString' on a new line. The        variable 'firstString' must be printed first.
    const mainString = firstString + secondString

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HackerRank is the best place to learn and practice coding!


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