Code Examples
#1 Code Example with C++ Programming
Code -
C++ Programming
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int const N = 2e2 + 1;
int n, l, k;
long double dp[N][N][N];
pair<int, long double> a[N];
long double rec(int idx, int win, int cnt) {
if(idx == n)
return win >= l;
long double &ret = dp[idx][win][cnt];
if(ret == ret)
return ret;
ret = 0;
ret += rec(idx + 1, win, cnt) * (1.0 - a[idx].second);
if(a[idx].first == -1) {
if(cnt > 0)
ret += rec(idx + 1, win + 1, cnt - 1) * a[idx].second;
} else
ret += rec(idx + 1, win + 1, min(n, cnt + a[idx].first)) * a[idx].second;
return ret;
int main() {
cin >> n >> l >> k;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cin >> a[i].second, a[i].second /= 100.0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
cin >> a[i].first;
sort(a, a + n);
reverse(a, a + n);
memset(dp, -1, sizeof dp);
cout << fixed << setprecision(10) << rec(0, 0, k) << endl;
return 0;
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