Problem Name: beecrowd | 1960
Problem Link:
Roman Numerals for Page Numbers
By M.C. Pinto, UNILA Brazil
Timelimit: 1
The ECI (Editio Chronica Incredibilis or Amazing Chronicles Editors) is very traditional when numbering the pages of its books. It always uses the Roman numerals for that. And its books never have more than 999 pages. When necessary, the books are split into volumes.
You must write a program that, given an arabic number, show its equivalent in roman numerals.
Remember that I stands for 1, V for 5, X for 10, L for 50, C for 100, D for 500 and M stands for 1000.
The input is a positive integer number N (0 < N < 1000).
The output is the number N written as Roman numerals in a single line. Always use uppercase letters.
Input Samples | Output Samples |
666 |
83 |
999 |
Code Examples
#1 Code Example with C++ Programming
Code -
C++ Programming
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n , temp;
string s;
cin >> s;
int len = s.length();
if(s[0]=='1') printf("C");
else if(s[0]=='2') printf("CC");
else if(s[0]=='3') printf("CCC");
else if(s[0]=='4') printf("CD");
else if(s[0]=='5') printf("D");
else if(s[0]=='6') printf("DC");
else if(s[0]=='7') printf("DCC");
else if(s[0]=='8') printf("DCCC");
else if(s[0]=='9') printf("CM");
if(s[1]=='1') printf("X");
else if(s[1]=='2') printf("XX");
else if(s[1]=='3') printf("XXX");
else if(s[1]=='4') printf("XL");
else if(s[1]=='5') printf("L");
else if(s[1]=='6') printf("LX");
else if(s[1]=='7') printf("LXX");
else if(s[1]=='8') printf("LXXX");
else if(s[1]=='9') printf("XC");
if(s[2]=='1') printf("I");
else if(s[2]=='2') printf("II");
else if(s[2]=='3') printf("III");
else if(s[2]=='4') printf("IV");
else if(s[2]=='5') printf("V");
else if(s[2]=='6') printf("VI");
else if(s[2]=='7') printf("VII");
else if(s[2]=='8') printf("VIII");
else if(s[2]=='9') printf("IX");
else if(len==2)
if(s[0]=='1') printf("X");
else if(s[0]=='2') printf("XX");
else if(s[0]=='3') printf("XXX");
else if(s[0]=='4') printf("XL");
else if(s[0]=='5') printf("L");
else if(s[0]=='6') printf("LX");
else if(s[0]=='7') printf("LXX");
else if(s[0]=='8') printf("LXXX");
else if(s[0]=='9') printf("XC");
if(s[1]=='1') printf("I");
else if(s[1]=='2') printf("II");
else if(s[1]=='3') printf("III");
else if(s[1]=='4') printf("IV");
else if(s[1]=='5') printf("V");
else if(s[1]=='6') printf("VI");
else if(s[1]=='7') printf("VII");
else if(s[1]=='8') printf("VIII");
else if(s[1]=='9') printf("Is");
else if(len==1)
if(s[0]=='1') printf("I");
else if(s[0]=='2') printf("II");
else if(s[0]=='3') printf("III");
else if(s[0]=='4') printf("IV");
else if(s[0]=='5') printf("V");
else if(s[0]=='6') printf("VI");
else if(s[0]=='7') printf("VII");
else if(s[0]=='8') printf("VIII");
else if(s[0]=='9') printf("IX");
cout << endl;
return 0;
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#2 Code Example with Javascript Programming
Code -
Javascript Programming
var input = require('fs').readFileSync('/dev/stdin', 'utf8');
var lines = input.split('\n');
let numero = parseInt(lines.shift());
const arabicos = [900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1];
const romanos = ['CM', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', 'I'];
let i = 0;
let resultado = '';
while (numero > 0) {
if (numero >= arabicos[i]) {
numero -= arabicos[i];
resultado += romanos[i];
} else {
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