Problem Name: beecrowd | 3167
Problem Link:
Finding Words on Secondary Diagonal
By Elder Sobrinho, UFTM Brazil
Timelimit: 3
In Algelandia, the favorite pastime is the Word Search puzzles. One of these has the following characteristics:
- The words occur only in the direction of the secondary diagonal;
- Words can occur with uppercase and/or lowercase;
- If a given word exists, it occurs only once and at any position on the diagonal;
- Words can exist in both normal and inverted form, that is, the diagonal reading could be top-down or bottom-up form.
In this context, the figure below demonstrates how the words “workshop”, “videogame” and “scanner” can occur in the game.
The first line contains three integers: 1) N that represents the number of words that we will check if there are in the game, limited by [1,100]; 2) M that represents the number of lines in the matrix, limited by [10,1000]; 3) P that represents the number of columns in the matrix, limited by [10,1000]. In addition, each N-words follows the limit: [6,100].
Depending on the existence of each N-word, inform:
- 1 Palavra "X" na diagonal secundaria
- 2 Palavra "X" acima da diagonal secundaria
- 3 Palavra "X" abaixo da diagonal secundaria
- 4 Palavra "X" inexistente
Where X is the searched word, moreover, X must be in lower case.
Input Sample | Output Sample |
7 20 20 |
1 Palavra "equivocado" na diagonal secundaria |
Code Examples
#1 Code Example with Javascript Programming
Code -
Javascript Programming
const { readFileSync } = require("fs")
const input = readFileSync("/dev/stdin", "utf8").toLowerCase().split("\n")
const reverse = (str) => Array.from(str).reverse().join("")
class Matrix {
* @param {number} rows
* @param {number} cols
static createModel(rows = 0, cols = 0) { return ({ dimensions: { cols, rows } }) }
* Create a square matrix from a object model
* @template T
* @param {ReturnType} model
* @param {Array} values
* @param {T} defaultReplacementValue
static createFromModel(model, values, defaultReplacementValue = null) {
return Array.from({ length: model.dimensions.rows }, (_, rowIndex) => {
return Array.from({ length: model.dimensions.cols }, (_, colIndex) => {
return values[(model.dimensions.cols * rowIndex) + colIndex] || defaultReplacementValue
/** @param {string[][]} matrix */
function findsWordsRelativeToSecondaryDiagonalFromMatrix(matrix) {
const rows = matrix.length
const cols = matrix[0].length
const secondaryDiagonalCharSequence = Array.from({ length: Math.min(rows, cols) }, (_, i) => matrix[i][cols - i - 1]).join("")
const aboveSecondaryDiagonalCharSequencesList = new Array(cols - 1).fill("")
const belowSecondaryDiagonalCharSequencesList = new Array(rows - 1).fill("")
for (let u = 1; u < = aboveSecondaryDiagonalCharSequencesList.length; u++)
for (let i = 0, j = cols - u - 1; i < rows && j >= 0; i++, j--)
aboveSecondaryDiagonalCharSequencesList[u - 1] += matrix[i][j] || "0"
for (let u = 1; u < = belowSecondaryDiagonalCharSequencesList.length; u++)
for (let i = u, j = cols - 1; i < rows && j >= 0; i++, j--)
belowSecondaryDiagonalCharSequencesList[u - 1] += matrix[i][j] || "0"
return (word = "") => {
word = word.toLowerCase()
const reversed = reverse(word)
if (secondaryDiagonalCharSequence.includes(word) || secondaryDiagonalCharSequence.includes(reversed)) return "SECONDARY DIAGONAL"
if (aboveSecondaryDiagonalCharSequencesList.some(seq => seq.includes(word) || seq.includes(reversed))) return "ABOVE SECONDARY DIAGONAL"
if (belowSecondaryDiagonalCharSequencesList.some(seq => seq.includes(word) || seq.includes(reversed))) return "BELOW SECONDARY DIAGONAL"
return "NOT FOUND"
function main() {
const output = []
const [numQueries, rows, cols] = input.shift().split(" ", 3).map(value => Number.parseInt(value, 10))
const words = input.splice(0, numQueries)
const chars = input.splice(0).map(row => row.split("", cols)).flat(1)
const squareMatrixModel = Matrix.createModel(rows, cols)
const matrix = Matrix.createFromModel(squareMatrixModel, chars, "")
const queriableMatrixSequencesInstance = findsWordsRelativeToSecondaryDiagonalFromMatrix(matrix)
for (const word of words) {
const result = queriableMatrixSequencesInstance(word)
switch (result) {
case "SECONDARY DIAGONAL": { output.push(`1 Palavra "${word}" na diagonal secundaria`); break }
case "ABOVE SECONDARY DIAGONAL": { output.push(`2 Palavra "${word}" acima da diagonal secundaria`); break }
case "BELOW SECONDARY DIAGONAL": { output.push(`3 Palavra "${word}" abaixo da diagonal secundaria`); break }
case "NOT FOUND": { output.push(`4 Palavra "${word}" inexistente`); break }
Conforme a existência de cada palavra N, informe:
1 Palavra "X" na diagonal secundaria
2 Palavra "X" acima da diagonal secundaria
3 Palavra "X" abaixo da diagonal secundaria
4 Palavra "X" inexistente
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