Problem Name: beecrowd | 2147
Problem Link:
By Ricardo Martins, IFSULDEMINAS Brazil
Timelimit: 1
One day, the brothers Little Chitão and Xor Or Oh, great typists, made a challenge to see who was the best in typing. For this, they obtained a computer that does not process keystrokes, ie, if it is to enter the same letter twice in a row, to press the button twice, as, press for longer, no use. They also measured the time down a key, which was exactly 1/100 second. The challenge would be who typed the word "Galopeira" consisting of letters and more, but both were very good, and arrived at a point that it was not possible to count how many letters had been typed. Then asked his help to write a program that checks the typed word and see how much time was spent typing.
Write a program that, given a typed word, tell how much time was spent to be entered.
An integer C will be informed, which is the amount of test cases. Each case has a word of at least 9 and at most 10,000 letters.
For each test case, print a T number, which is the time spent, in seconds, to enter the word of their test case, with precision of two decimal digits.
Input Sample | Output Sample |
3 galopeira galopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeira galopeeira |
0.09 0.25 0.10 |
Code Examples
#1 Code Example with C Programming
Code -
C Programming
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i, j, n;
char str[10000];
double x;
scanf("%i", &n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
scanf("%s", str);
while (str[j] != 0)
x = j/100.0;
printf("%.2lf\n", x);
return 0;
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#2 Code Example with C++ Programming
Code -
C++ Programming
int main()
int test;
double len;
char ch[10000];
len = strlen(ch);
return 0;
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#3 Code Example with Javascript Programming
Code -
Javascript Programming
var input = require('fs').readFileSync('/dev/stdin', 'utf8');
var lines = input.split('\n');
const arroz = lines.shift();
let cont = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < arroz; i++){
let word = lines.shift().trim();
for(let j = 0; j < word.length; j++){
cont += 0.01;
cont = 0;
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