Problem Name: beecrowd | 2686
Problem Link:
The Change Continues!!
By Samuel Lucas Santos Gomes, IFSULDEMINAS Brazil
Timelimit: 1
Again Julius asks for your help, he has forgotten a small detail. As his previous program only reported a greeting, he asked him to turn the Sun / Moon degree into HH: MM: SS. Then if you accept: given a degree relative to the position of the Sun / Moon, redo the system only now that beyond the salutation of each period of the day, accurately report the hours, minutes and seconds.
The input contains a floating point M (0 ≥ M <360) representing the position, in degrees, of the Sun/Moon relative to the ground. As they walk in constant motion their program will receive several cases every second(EOF).
Print out what time of day it is: "Boa Tarde!!"(Good Afternoon!!), "Boa Noite!!"(Good Night!!), "Bom Dia!!"(Good Morning!!) and "Boa Madrugada!!"(Good Dawn!!) and on the bottom lines display the hours, minutes and seconds (HH: MM: SS).
Input Sample | Output Sample |
1.50 |
Bom Dia!! |
Code Examples
#1 Code Example with Javascript Programming
Code -
Javascript Programming
const { readFileSync } = require("node:fs")
const input = readFileSync("/dev/stdin", "utf8")
const TIME_UNITS = {
get MILLISECOND() { return 1 },
get SECOND() { return 1000 * this.MILLISECOND },
get MINUTE() { return 60 * this.SECOND },
get HOUR() { return 60 * this.MINUTE },
get DAY() { return 24 * this.HOUR },
function formatTimeDurationToParts(duration = 0) {
const hours = Math.floor(duration / 3600)
const minutes = Math.floor(duration / 60) % 60
const seconds = duration % 60
return [hours, minutes, seconds]
function main() {
const output = []
for (let angle of input) {
if (Number.isNaN(angle)) break // EOF
angle %= 360
if (0 <= angle && angle < 90) output.push("Bom Dia!!")
else if (90 <= angle && angle < 180) output.push("Boa Tarde!!")
else if (180 <= angle && angle < 270) output.push("Boa Noite!!")
else if (270 <= angle && angle < 360) output.push("De Madrugada!!")
formatTimeDurationToParts(Math.round(((angle + 90) % 360) / 360 * (TIME_UNITS.DAY / TIME_UNITS.SECOND)))
.map(t => t.toString(10).padStart(2, "0"))
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#2 Code Example with Python Programming
Code -
Python Programming
while True:
m = float(input())
mensagem = ''
m *= 86400
hora = m/3600
m = float(m % 3600)
minuto = m/60
m = int(m % 60)
print(hora, minuto, m)
except EOFError:
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