
Problem Name: 1125. Smallest Sufficient Team

In a project, you have a list of required skills req_skills, and a list of people. The ith person people[i] contains a list of skills that the person has.

Consider a sufficient team: a set of people such that for every required skill in req_skills, there is at least one person in the team who has that skill. We can represent these teams by the index of each person.

  • For example, team = [0, 1, 3] represents the people with skills people[0], people[1], and people[3].

Return any sufficient team of the smallest possible size, represented by the index of each person. You may return the answer in any order.

It is guaranteed an answer exists.


Example 1:

Input: req_skills = ["java","nodejs","reactjs"], people = [["java"],["nodejs"],["nodejs","reactjs"]]
Output: [0,2]

Example 2:

Input: req_skills = ["algorithms","math","java","reactjs","csharp","aws"], people = [["algorithms","math","java"],["algorithms","math","reactjs"],["java","csharp","aws"],["reactjs","csharp"],["csharp","math"],["aws","java"]]
Output: [1,2]



  • 1 <= req_skills.length <= 16
  • 1 <= req_skills[i].length <= 16
  • req_skills[i] consists of lowercase English letters.
  • All the strings of req_skills are unique.
  • 1 <= people.length <= 60
  • 0 <= people[i].length <= 16
  • 1 <= people[i][j].length <= 16
  • people[i][j] consists of lowercase English letters.
  • All the strings of people[i] are unique.
  • Every skill in people[i] is a skill in req_skills.
  • It is guaranteed a sufficient team exists.

Code Examples

#1 Code Example with Javascript Programming

Code - Javascript Programming

const smallestSufficientTeam = function(req_skills, people) {
  const m = req_skills.length
  const n = people.length
  const skill2Bitmap = req_skills
    .map((x, i) => [x, i])
    .reduce((dict, cur) => {
      dict[cur[0]] = 1 << cur[1]
      return dict
    }, {})
  const newPeople = => {
    return x.reduce((acc, cur) => {
      const y = skill2Bitmap[cur]
      if (y !== undefined) {
        acc |= y
      return acc
    }, 0)

  const all = (1 << m) - 1
  const dp = {}
  for (let j = 0; j  <  n; j++) {
    if (newPeople[j] > 0) {
      dp[newPeople[j]] = new Set([j])
  if (dp[all]) {
    return Array.from(dp[all]).sort()

  for (let k = 0; k  <  n; k++) {
    for (let s in dp) {
      for (let j = 0; j  <  n; j++) {
        if (newPeople[j] === 0 || dp[s].has(j)) continue
        const newIdx = s | newPeople[j]
        if (dp[newIdx] === undefined) {
          dp[newIdx] = new Set([...dp[s], j])
          if (newIdx === all) {
            return Array.from(dp[all]).sort()
  return []
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req_skills = ["java","nodejs","reactjs"], people = [["java"],["nodejs"],["nodejs","reactjs"]]



#2 Code Example with Python Programming

Code - Python Programming

class Solution:
    def smallestSufficientTeam(self, req_skills: List[str], people: List[List[str]]) -> List[int]:
        n, m = len(req_skills), len(people)
        key = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(req_skills)}
        dp = {0: []}
        for i, p in enumerate(people):
            his_skill = 0
            for skill in p:
                if skill in key:
                    his_skill |= 1 << key[skill]
            for skill_set, need in list(dp.items()):
                with_him = skill_set | his_skill
                if with_him == skill_set: continue
                if with_him not in dp or len(dp[with_him]) > len(need) + 1:
                    dp[with_him] = need + [i]
        return dp[(1 << n) - 1]
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req_skills = ["java","nodejs","reactjs"], people = [["java"],["nodejs"],["nodejs","reactjs"]]




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