Problem Name: 211. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure
Design a data structure that supports adding new words and finding if a string matches any previously added string.
Implement the WordDictionary
Initializes the object.void addWord(word)
to the data structure, it can be matched later.bool search(word)
if there is any string in the data structure that matchesword
may contain dots'.'
where dots can be matched with any letter.
Input ["WordDictionary","addWord","addWord","addWord","search","search","search","search"] [[],["bad"],["dad"],["mad"],["pad"],["bad"],[".ad"],["b.."]] Output [null,null,null,null,false,true,true,true] Explanation WordDictionary wordDictionary = new WordDictionary(); wordDictionary.addWord("bad"); wordDictionary.addWord("dad"); wordDictionary.addWord("mad");"pad"); // return False"bad"); // return True".ad"); // return True"b.."); // return True
1 <= word.length <= 25
consists of lowercase English letters.word
consist of'.'
or lowercase English letters.- There will be at most
dots inword
queries. - At most
calls will be made toaddWord
Code Examples
#1 Code Example with C Programming
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C Programming
typedef struct dict_s {
int is_leaf;
struct dict_s *child[26];
} WordDictionary;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
WordDictionary* wordDictionaryCreate() {
WordDictionary *obj;
obj = calloc(1, sizeof(WordDictionary));
return obj;
/** Adds a word into the data structure. */
void wordDictionaryAddWord(WordDictionary* obj, char* word) {
int k;
if (!word || !*word) return;
while (*word) {
k = *word - 'a';
if (!obj->child[k]) {
obj->child[k] = calloc(1, sizeof(WordDictionary));
obj = obj->child[k];
word ++;
obj->is_leaf = 1;
/** Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter. */
bool wordDictionarySearch(WordDictionary* obj, char* word) {
int k;
while (obj && *word) {
if (*word == '.') {
for (k = 0; k < 26; k ++) {
if (wordDictionarySearch(obj->child[k], word + 1)) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
k = *word - 'a';
obj = obj->child[k];
word ++;
return (obj && obj->is_leaf) ? true : false;
void wordDictionaryFree(WordDictionary* obj) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 26; i ++) {
if (obj->child[i]) wordDictionaryFree(obj->child[i]);
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#2 Code Example with C++ Programming
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C++ Programming
class WordDictionary {
WordDictionary() {}
void addWord(string word) {
bool search(string word) {
for(auto s: words[word.size()]) if(isEqual(s, word)) return true;
return false;
unordered_map<int, vector < string>>words;
bool isEqual(string a, string b){
for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++){
if(b[i] == '.') continue;
if(a[i] != b[i]> return false;
return true;
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#3 Code Example with Java Programming
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Java Programming
class WordDictionary {
private Node root;
public WordDictionary() {
this.root = new Node();
public void addWord(String word) {
Node curr = root;
for (char c : word.toCharArray()) {
if (curr.children[c - 'a'] == null) {
curr.children[c - 'a'] = new Node();
curr = curr.children[c - 'a'];
curr.isWord = true;
public boolean search(String word) {
Node curr = root;
return searchHelper(word, 0, curr);
private boolean searchHelper(String word, int idx, Node curr) {
if (idx == word.length()) {
return curr.isWord;
if (word.charAt(idx) != '.' && curr.children[word.charAt(idx) - 'a'] == null) {
return false;
if (word.charAt(idx) == '.') {
for (Node child : curr.children) {
if (child != null && searchHelper(word, idx + 1, child)) {
return true;
return false;
return searchHelper(word, idx + 1, curr.children[word.charAt(idx) - 'a']);
private static class Node {
Node[] children;
boolean isWord;
public Node() {
this.children = new Node[26];
this.isWord = false;
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#4 Code Example with Javascript Programming
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Javascript Programming
class TrieNode {
constructor() {
this.children = [];
this.isWord = false;
const WordDictionary = function() {
this.root = new TrieNode();
this.aCode = "a".charCodeAt(0);
* Adds a word into the data structure.
* @param {string} word
* @return {void}
WordDictionary.prototype.addWord = function(word) {
let node = this.root;
for (let c of word.split("")) {
let code = c.charCodeAt(0);
if (node.children[code - this.aCode] == null) {
node.children[code - this.aCode] = new TrieNode();
node = node.children[code - this.aCode];
node.isWord = true;
* Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter.
* @param {string} word
* @return {boolean}
*/ = function(word) {
return this._match(word.split(""), 0, this.root);
WordDictionary.prototype._match = function(arr, k, node) {
if (k == arr.length) {
return node && node.isWord;
if (arr[k] === ".") {
for (let i = 0; node != null && i < node.children.length; i++) {
if (
node.children[i] !== null &&
this._match(arr, k + 1, node.children[i])
) {
return true;
} else {
return (
node != null && node.children[arr[k].charCodeAt(0) - this.aCode] != null &&
this._match(arr, k + 1, node.children[arr[k].charCodeAt(0) - this.aCode])
return false;
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#5 Code Example with Python Programming
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Python Programming
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.children = [None] * 26
self.last = False
class WordDictionary:
def __init__(self):
Initialize your data structure here.
self.root = TrieNode()
def addWord(self, word):
Adds a word into the data structure.
:type word: str
:rtype: void
curr = self.root
for char in word:
if not curr.children[ord(char) - ord("a")]: curr.children[ord(char) - ord("a")] = TrieNode()
curr = curr.children[ord(char) - ord("a")]
curr.last = True
def search(self, word):
Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter.
:type word: str
:rtype: bool
words = [self.root]
for char in word:
if char == ".": words = [child for node in words for child in node.children if node and child]
else: words = [node.children[ord(char) - ord("a")] for node in words if node and node.children[ord(char) - ord("a")]]
if words and words[-1] == ".": return True
else: return any([node.last for node in words if node.last])
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#6 Code Example with C# Programming
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C# Programming
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace LeetCode
public class _0211_AddAndSearchWordDataStructureDesign
private readonly Trie root;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
public _0211_AddAndSearchWordDataStructureDesign()
root = new Trie();
/** Adds a word into the data structure. */
public void AddWord(string word)
var current = root;
foreach (var ch in word)
if (!current.Children.ContainsKey(ch))
current.Children.Add(ch, new Trie());
current = current.Children[ch];
current.Finished = true;
/** Returns if the word is in the data structure. A word could contain the dot character '.' to represent any one letter. */
public bool Search(string word)
return Search(word, root);
private bool Search(string word, Trie startPoint)
var current = startPoint;
for (int i = 0; i < word.Length; i++)
var ch = word[i];
if (ch == '.')
foreach (var key in current.Children.Keys)
if (Search(word.Substring(i + 1), current.Children[key]))
return true;
return false;
else if (current.Children.ContainsKey(ch))
current = current.Children[ch];
return false;
return current.Finished;
private class Trie
public Dictionary < char, Trie> Children = new Dictionary();
public bool Finished = false;
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