Problem Name: 385. Mini Parser
Given a string s represents the serialization of a nested list, implement a parser to deserialize it and return the deserialized NestedInteger
Each element is either an integer or a list whose elements may also be integers or other lists.
Example 1:
Input: s = "324" Output: 324 Explanation: You should return a NestedInteger object which contains a single integer 324.
Example 2:
Input: s = "[123,[456,[789]]]" Output: [123,[456,[789]]] Explanation: Return a NestedInteger object containing a nested list with 2 elements: 1. An integer containing value 123. 2. A nested list containing two elements: i. An integer containing value 456. ii. A nested list with one element: a. An integer containing value 789
1 <= s.length <= 5 * 104
consists of digits, square brackets"[]"
, negative sign'-'
, and commas','
is the serialization of validNestedInteger
.- All the values in the input are in the range
[-106, 106]
Code Examples
#1 Code Example with Java Programming
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Java Programming
class Solution {
public NestedInteger deserialize(String s) {
if (s.isEmpty()) {
return null;
if (s.charAt(0) != '[') {
return new NestedInteger(Integer.parseInt(s));
Stack < NestedInteger> stack = new Stack<>();
NestedInteger curr = null;
int leftIdx = 0;
for (int rightIdx = 0; rightIdx < s.length(); rightIdx++) {
if (s.charAt(rightIdx) == '[') {
if (curr != null) {
curr = new NestedInteger();
leftIdx = rightIdx + 1;
} else if (s.charAt(rightIdx) == ']') {
String number = s.substring(leftIdx, rightIdx);
if (!number.isEmpty()) {
curr.add(new NestedInteger(Integer.parseInt(number)));
if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
NestedInteger popped = stack.pop();
curr = popped;
leftIdx = rightIdx + 1;
} else if (s.charAt(rightIdx) == ',') {
if (s.charAt(rightIdx - 1) != ']') {
String number = s.substring(leftIdx, rightIdx);
curr.add(new NestedInteger(Integer.parseInt(number)));
leftIdx = rightIdx + 1;
return curr;
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#2 Code Example with Javascript Programming
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Javascript Programming
const deserialize = function(s) {
const recursion = s => {
const re = new NestedInteger()
if (!s || s.length === 0) {
return re
if (s.charAt(0) !== '[') {
re.setInteger(parseInt(s, 10))
} else if (s.length > 2) {
let start = 1
let cnt = 0
for (let i = 1; i < s.length; i++) {
const char = s.charAt(i)
if (cnt === 0 && (char === ',' || i === s.length - 1)) {
re.add(recursion(s.substring(start, i)))
start = i + 1
} else if (char === '[') {
} else if (char === ']') {
return re
return recursion(s)
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#3 Code Example with Python Programming
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Python Programming
class Solution:
def deserialize(self, s):
stack, num, last = [], "", None
for c in s:
if c.isdigit() or c == "-": num += c
elif c == "," and num:
num = ""
elif c == "[":
elem = NestedInteger()
if stack: stack[-1].add(elem)
elif c == "]":
if num:
num = ""
last = stack.pop()
return last if last else NestedInteger(int(num))
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