
Problem Name: 564. Find the Closest Palindrome

Given a string n representing an integer, return the closest integer (not including itself), which is a palindrome. If there is a tie, return the smaller one.

The closest is defined as the absolute difference minimized between two integers.


Example 1:

Input: n = "123"
Output: "121"

Example 2:

Input: n = "1"
Output: "0"
Explanation: 0 and 2 are the closest palindromes but we return the smallest which is 0.



  • 1 <= n.length <= 18
  • n consists of only digits.
  • n does not have leading zeros.
  • n is representing an integer in the range [1, 1018 - 1].

Code Examples

#1 Code Example with Javascript Programming

Code - Javascript Programming

 * @param {bigint | string} n
 * @return {string}
const nearestPalindromic = function(n) {
  let bigInt = null

  if (typeof n === 'bigint') bigInt = n
  if (typeof n === 'string') bigInt = BigInt(n)
  if (typeof n == null) throw new Error('unknown input type')

  // take the number, keep adding 1 to it, then check if it's a palindrome
  const prevPalindrome = getPrevPalindrome(bigInt)
  const nextPalindrome = getNextPalindrome(bigInt)

  const scalarPrev = bigInt - prevPalindrome
  const scalarNext = nextPalindrome - bigInt

  if (scalarPrev <= scalarNext) return prevPalindrome.toString()
  else return nextPalindrome.toString()

 * @param {bigint} number
function getPrevPalindrome(number) {
  const decrementedNumber =
    typeof number === 'bigint' ? number - BigInt(1) : BigInt(number) - BigInt(1)

  if (decrementedNumber.toString().length === 1) return decrementedNumber

  const leftSide = getLeftSideNumber(decrementedNumber)
  const palindromedLeft = getPalindromeAsString(leftSide)

  const rightSide = getRightSideNumberAsString(decrementedNumber)
  const comparison = compareTwoValues(BigInt(palindromedLeft), BigInt(rightSide))
  if (comparison === 0) {
    // the right side is already the palindromedLeft - return the incrementedNumber
    return decrementedNumber
  if (comparison === 1) {
    // this means the right side is already too far advanced (going downwards) compared to the palindromedLeft,
    // you need to take the leftSideWithBorder, decrement by 1, then return this new number concatenated with
    // the leftSide's palindrome - this is the answer
    const leftWithBorder = getLeftSideNumberWithBorder(decrementedNumber)
    const decremented = leftWithBorder - BigInt(1)

    if (decremented === BigInt(0)) return BigInt(9)

    const newWhole = BigInt(decremented.toString() + getRightSideNumberAsString(decrementedNumber))

    const newLeft = getLeftSideNumber(newWhole)
    const palindromedNewLeft = getPalindromeAsString(newLeft)
    return BigInt(decremented.toString() + palindromedNewLeft.toString())
  if (comparison === -1) {
    // this means the right side can naturally increment to the palindromedLeft,
    // so you can just return the leftSideWithBorder concatenated with the palindromedLeft
    const leftSideWithBorder = getLeftSideNumberWithBorder(decrementedNumber)
    return BigInt(leftSideWithBorder.toString() + palindromedLeft)

 * @param {bigint} number
 * @returns {*}
function getNextPalindrome(number) {
  const incrementedNumber =
    typeof number === 'bigint' ? number + BigInt(1) : BigInt(number) + BigInt(1)

  if (incrementedNumber.toString().length === 1) return incrementedNumber

  const leftSide = getLeftSideNumber(incrementedNumber)
  const palindromedLeft = getPalindromeAsString(leftSide)

  const rightSide = getRightSideNumberAsString(incrementedNumber)
  const comparison = compareTwoValues(BigInt(palindromedLeft), BigInt(rightSide))
  if (comparison === 0) {
    // the right side is already the palindromedLeft - return the incrementedNumber
    return incrementedNumber
  if (comparison === 1) {
    // this means the right side can naturally increment to the palindromedLeft,
    // so you can just return the leftSideWithBorder concatenated with the palindromedLeft
    const leftSideWithBorder = getLeftSideNumberWithBorder(incrementedNumber)
    const leftAsString = leftSideWithBorder.toString()
    const combined = leftAsString + palindromedLeft
    return BigInt(combined)
  if (comparison === -1) {
    // this means the right side is already too far advanced compared to the palindromedLeft,
    // you need to take the leftSideWithBorder, increment by 1, then return this new number concatenated with
    // the leftSide's palindrome - this is the answer
    const leftWithBorder = getLeftSideNumberWithBorder(incrementedNumber)
    const incrementedLeftWithBorder = leftWithBorder + BigInt(1)
    const newWhole = BigInt(
      incrementedLeftWithBorder.toString() + getRightSideNumberAsString(incrementedNumber)

    const newLeft = getLeftSideNumber(newWhole)
    const palindromedNewLeft = getPalindromeAsString(newLeft)
    return BigInt(incrementedLeftWithBorder.toString() + palindromedNewLeft.toString())

 * @param {bigint} number
function getLeftSideNumber(number) {
  const numberAsText = number.toString()
  const numCharsInLeftSide = Math.floor(numberAsText.length / 2)
  return BigInt(numberAsText.slice(0, numCharsInLeftSide))

 * @param {bigint} number
 * @returns {bigint}
function getLeftSideNumberWithBorder(number) {
  const numberAsText = number.toString()
  const hasOddNumChars = numberAsText.length % 2 === 1

  const left = getLeftSideNumber(number)

  // should return the left side only, if it's an even-digited number
  // else, return the left side together with the border number (since it's an odd-digited number)
  if (hasOddNumChars) {
    const middleChar = numberAsText.charAt(Math.floor(numberAsText.length / 2))
    return BigInt(left.toString() + middleChar)
  } else {
    return BigInt(left.toString())

 * @param {bigint} number
 * @returns {string}
function getRightSideNumberAsString(number) {
  const numberAsText = number.toString()
  const numCharsInRightSide = Math.floor(numberAsText.length / 2)
  return numberAsText.slice(numberAsText.length - numCharsInRightSide)

 * @param {bigint} number
 * @returns {string}
function getPalindromeAsString(number) {
  const numberAsText = number.toString()
  return numberAsText

 * @param {bigint} number1
 * @param {bigint} number2
 * @returns {number}
function compareTwoValues(number1, number2) {
  if (number1 < number2) return -1
  if (number1 === number2) return 0
  if (number1 > number2) return 1
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n = "123"

#2 Code Example with Python Programming

Code - Python Programming

class Solution:
    def nearestPalindromic(self, S):
        K = len(S)
        candidates = [str(10**k + d) for k in (K-1, K) for d in (-1, 1)]
        prefix = S[:(K+1)//2]
        P = int(prefix)
        for start in map(str, (P-1, P, P+1)):
            candidates.append(start + (start[:-1] if K%2 else start)[::-1])

        def delta(x):
            return abs(int(S) - int(x))

        ans = None
        for cand in candidates:
            if cand != S and not cand.startswith('00'):
                if (ans is None or delta(cand) < delta(ans) or
                        delta(cand) == delta(ans) and int(cand) < int(ans)):
                    ans = cand
        return ans
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n = "123"




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