Problem Name: 787. Cheapest Flights Within K Stops
There are n
cities connected by some number of flights. You are given an array flights
where flights[i] = [fromi, toi, pricei]
indicates that there is a flight from city fromi
to city toi
with cost pricei
You are also given three integers src
, dst
, and k
, return the cheapest price from src
to dst
with at most k
stops. If there is no such route, return -1
Example 1:

Input: n = 4, flights = [[0,1,100],[1,2,100],[2,0,100],[1,3,600],[2,3,200]], src = 0, dst = 3, k = 1 Output: 700 Explanation: The graph is shown above. The optimal path with at most 1 stop from city 0 to 3 is marked in red and has cost 100 + 600 = 700. Note that the path through cities [0,1,2,3] is cheaper but is invalid because it uses 2 stops.
Example 2:

Input: n = 3, flights = [[0,1,100],[1,2,100],[0,2,500]], src = 0, dst = 2, k = 1 Output: 200 Explanation: The graph is shown above. The optimal path with at most 1 stop from city 0 to 2 is marked in red and has cost 100 + 100 = 200.
Example 3:

Input: n = 3, flights = [[0,1,100],[1,2,100],[0,2,500]], src = 0, dst = 2, k = 0 Output: 500 Explanation: The graph is shown above. The optimal path with no stops from city 0 to 2 is marked in red and has cost 500.
1 <= n <= 100
0 <= flights.length <= (n * (n - 1) / 2)
flights[i].length == 3
0 <= fromi, toi < n
fromi != toi
1 <= pricei <= 104
- There will not be any multiple flights between two cities.
0 <= src, dst, k < n
src != dst
Code Examples
#1 Code Example with C++ Programming
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C++ Programming
// DFS + Brute Force
class Solution {
int findCheapestPrice(int n, vector<vector<int>>& flights, int src, int dst, int K) {
int minPrice = INT_MAX;
vector < vector<vector<int>>>g(n);
for(auto v: flights) g[v[0]].push_back({v[1], v[2]});
dfs(g, src, dst, K, 0, minPrice);
return minPrice == INT_MAX ? -1 : minPrice;
void dfs(vector < vector<vector<int>>>& g, int cur, int dst, int K, int price, int& minPrice){
if(cur == dst){
minPrice = min(minPrice, price);
if(K == -1 || price >= minPrice) return;
for(auto v: g[cur]) dfs(g, v[0], dst, K - 1, price + v[1], minPrice);
// BFS + Priority_queue
class Solution {
int findCheapestPrice(int n, vector<vector < int>>& flights, int src, int dst, int K) {
vector < vector<int>>g(101);
vector < vector<int>>w(101, vector<int>(101));
for (auto& v: flights) {
int a = v[0]; // src
int b = v[1]; // dst
int c = v[2]; // weight
w[a][b] = c;
auto comp = [](vector<int>& v1, vector<int>& v2> {
return v1[1] > v2[1];
priority_queue < vector<int>, vector < vector<int>>, decltype(comp)>pq(comp);
pq.push({src, 0, K});
while (!pq.empty()) {
auto v =;
int from = v[0];
int cost = v[1];
int stop = v[2];
if (from == dst) {
return cost;
if (stop < 0) {
for (int x: g[from]) {
pq.push({x, cost + w[from][x], stop});
return -1;
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#2 Code Example with Javascript Programming
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Javascript Programming
const findCheapestPrice = function(n, flights, src, dst, K) {
let mn = new Array(n + 1).fill(Infinity);
mn[src] = 0;
for(let k = 0; k < K + 1; k++){
let newmn = [].concat(mn);
for(let i = 0; i < flights.length; i++){
let f = flights[i], a = f[0], b = f[1], c = f[2];
newmn[b] = Math.min(newmn[b], mn[a] + c);
mn = [].concat(newmn);
return mn[dst] != Infinity ? mn[dst] : -1
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#3 Code Example with Python Programming
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Python Programming
class Solution:
def findCheapestPrice(self, n, flights, src, dst, K):
flight = collections.defaultdict(list)
for s, e, p in flights:
flight[s].append((e, p))
heap = [(0, src, K + 1)]
while heap:
price, city, stop = heapq.heappop(heap)
if city == dst:
return price
elif stop > 0:
for c, p in flight[city]:
heapq.heappush(heap, (price + p, c, stop - 1))
return -1
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#4 Code Example with C# Programming
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C# Programming
using System;
namespace LeetCode
public class _0787_CheapestFlightsWithinKStops
public int FindCheapestPrice(int n, int[][] flights, int src, int dst, int K)
var costs = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
costs[i] = int.MaxValue / 2;
costs[src] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < = K; i++)
var currentCost = new int[n];
Array.Copy(costs, currentCost, n);
foreach (var flight in flights)
if (currentCost[flight[1]] > costs[flight[0]] + flight[2])
currentCost[flight[1]] = costs[flight[0]] + flight[2];
costs = currentCost;
return costs[dst] == int.MaxValue / 2 ? -1 : costs[dst];
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