Problem Name: 675. Cut Off Trees for Golf Event
forest = [[1,2,3],[0,0,0],[7,6,5]]. The forest is represented as an
m x n
matrix. In this matrix:0
means the cell cannot be walked through.1
represents an empty cell that can be walked through.- A number greater than
represents a tree in a cell that can be walked through, and this number is the tree's height.
In one step, you can walk in any of the four directions: north, east, south, and west. If you are standing in a cell with a tree, you can choose whether to cut it off.
You must cut off the trees in order from shortest to tallest. When you cut off a tree, the value at its cell becomes 1
(an empty cell).
Starting from the point (0, 0)
, return the minimum steps you need to walk to cut off all the trees. If you cannot cut off all the trees, return -1
Note: The input is generated such that no two trees have the same height, and there is at least one tree needs to be cut off.
Example 1:
Input: forest = [[1,2,3],[0,0,4],[7,6,5]] Output: 6 Explanation: Following the path above allows you to cut off the trees from shortest to tallest in 6 steps.
Example 2:
Input: forest = [[1,2,3],[0,0,0],[7,6,5]] Output: -1 Explanation: The trees in the bottom row cannot be accessed as the middle row is blocked.
Example 3:
Input: forest = [[2,3,4],[0,0,5],[8,7,6]] Output: 6 Explanation: You can follow the same path as Example 1 to cut off all the trees. Note that you can cut off the first tree at (0, 0) before making any steps.
m == forest.length
n == forest[i].length
1 <= m, n <= 50
0 <= forest[i][j] <= 109
- Heights of all trees are distinct.
Code Examples
#1 Code Example with Java Programming
Code -
Java Programming
class Solution {
int[][] dir = {{-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {0, 1}};
public int cutOffTree(List < List trees = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < forest.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < forest.get(i).size(); j++) {
if (forest.get(i).get(j) > 1) {
trees.add(new int[]{forest.get(i).get(j), i, j});
Collections.sort(trees, (a, b) ->[0], b[0]));
int totalDist = 0;
int startRow = 0;
int startCol = 0;
for (int[] tree : trees) {
int dist = getDistance(forest, startRow, startCol, tree[1], tree[2]);
if (dist < 0) {
return -1;
totalDist += dist;
startRow = tree[1];
startCol = tree[2];
return totalDist;
private int getDistance(List < List queue = new LinkedList<>();
queue.add(new int[]{startRow, startCol});
int[][] visited = new int[forest.size()][forest.get(0).size()];
visited[startRow][startCol] = 1;
int queueSize = queue.size();
while(queueSize-- > 0) {
int[] cur = queue.poll();
int currRow = cur[0];
int currCol = cur[1];
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
int x = currRow + dir[k][0];
int y = currCol + dir[k][1];
if(x >= 0 && x < forest.size(> && y >= 0 && y < forest.get(0).size() && forest.get(x).get(y) > 0 && visited[x][y] == 0) {
if(x == desRow && y == desCol) {
return steps;
visited[x][y] = 1;
queue.add(new int[]{x, y});
return -1;
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#2 Code Example with Javascript Programming
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Javascript Programming
const cutOffTree = function (forest) {
const n = forest.length
if (n === 0) return 0
const m = forest[0].length
if (m === 0) return 0
const entries = []
for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
for (let j = 0; j < m; j += 1) {
if (forest[i][j] > 0) {
entries.push([forest[i][j], i, j])
entries.sort((e1, e2) => e1[0] - e2[0])
const direct = [
[1, 0],
[-1, 0],
[0, 1],
[0, -1],
const visited = Array(n)
.map(() => Array(m).fill(0))
const bfs = function (start, end) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 1)
for (let j = 0; j < m; j += 1) visited[i][j] = 0
let cur = [start],
next = [],
step = 0
visited[start[0]][start[1]] = 1
while (cur.length > 0) {
next = []
for (const [x, y] of cur) {
if (x === end[0] && y === end[1]) return step
for (const [dx, dy] of direct) {
const p = x + dx,
q = y + dy
if (
p < 0 ||
q < 0 ||
p >= n ||
q >= m ||
visited[p][q] === 1 ||
forest[p][q] === 0
visited[p][q] = 1
next.push([p, q])
step += 1
cur = next
return -1
let pre = [0, 0],
totalCnt = 0
for (const entry of entries) {
const step = bfs(pre, entry.slice(1))
if (step === -1) return -1
totalCnt += step
pre = entry.slice(1)
return totalCnt
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#3 Code Example with Python Programming
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Python Programming
class Solution:
def cutOffTree(self, forest):
def hadlocks(forest, sr, sc, tr, tc):
R, C = len(forest), len(forest[0])
processed = set()
deque = collections.deque([(0, sr, sc)])
while deque:
detours, r, c = deque.popleft()
if (r, c) not in processed:
processed.add((r, c))
if r == tr and c == tc:
return abs(sr-tr) + abs(sc-tc) + 2*detours
for nr, nc, closer in ((r-1, c, r > tr), (r+1, c, r < tr),
(r, c-1, c > tc), (r, c+1, c < tc)):
if 0 <= nr < R and 0 <= nc < C and forest[nr][nc]:
if closer:
deque.appendleft((detours, nr, nc))
deque.append((detours+1, nr, nc))
return -1
trees = sorted((v, r, c) for r, row in enumerate(forest)
for c, v in enumerate(row) if v > 1)
sr = sc = ans = 0
for _, tr, tc in trees:
d = hadlocks(forest, sr, sc, tr, tc)
if d < 0: return -1
ans += d
sr, sc = tr, tc
return ans
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