Problem Name: 1252. Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix
There is an m x n
matrix that is initialized to all 0
's. There is also a 2D array indices
where each indices[i] = [ri, ci]
represents a 0-indexed location to perform some increment operations on the matrix.
For each location indices[i]
, do both of the following:
- Increment all the cells on row
. - Increment all the cells on column
Given m
, n
, and indices
, return the number of odd-valued cells in the matrix after applying the increment to all locations in indices
Example 1:

Input: m = 2, n = 3, indices = [[0,1],[1,1]] Output: 6 Explanation: Initial matrix = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]. After applying first increment it becomes [[1,2,1],[0,1,0]]. The final matrix is [[1,3,1],[1,3,1]], which contains 6 odd numbers.
Example 2:

Input: m = 2, n = 2, indices = [[1,1],[0,0]] Output: 0 Explanation: Final matrix = [[2,2],[2,2]]. There are no odd numbers in the final matrix.
1 <= m, n <= 50
1 <= indices.length <= 100
0 <= ri < m
0 <= ci < n
Code Examples
#1 Code Example with Javascript Programming
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Javascript Programming
const oddCells = function (n, m, indices) {
const oddRows = new BitSet(n),
oddCols = new BitSet(m)
let cntRow = 0,
cntCol = 0
for (let idx of indices) {
cntRow += oddRows.get(idx[0]) ? 1 : -1
cntCol += oddCols.get(idx[1]) ? 1 : -1
return (m - cntCol) * cntRow + (n - cntRow) * cntCol
class BitSet {
constructor(n) {
this.arr = Array(n).fill(0)
flip(idx) {
this.arr[idx] = this.arr[idx] === 0 ? 1 : 0
get(idx) {
return this.arr[idx]
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#2 Code Example with Python Programming
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Python Programming
from collections import Counter as cnt
class Solution:
def oddCells(self, n: int, m: int, indices: List[List[int]]) -> int:
row, col = cnt(r for r, c in indices), cnt(c for r, c in indices)
return sum((row[i] + col[j]) % 2 for i in range(n) for j in range(m))
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#3 Code Example with C# Programming
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C# Programming
namespace LeetCode
public class _1252_CellsWithOddValuesInAMatrix
public int OddCells(int n, int m, int[][] indices)
var row = new bool[n];
var col = new bool[m];
foreach (var indice in indices)
row[indice[0]] = !row[indice[0]];
col[indice[1]] = !col[indice[1]];
var count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
if (row[i] != col[j]) count++;
return count;
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